What makes us drawn to Dark Academia aesthetic? 5 things we love about dark academia

What makes us drawn to Dark Academia aesthetic? 5 things we love about dark academia

 1. It's a cultural movement - love of intellectualism and all things vintage.

Dark Academia is a cultural movement that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is characterized by a focus on classical literature, intellectualism, and a love for all things vintage. This aesthetic is often associated with dark colors, tweed fabrics, and a passion for learning.

Vintage typewriter in the style of dark academia aesthetic

 2. It's okay to appreciate and enjoy the pursuit of knowledge and the scholarly environment.

The appeal of Dark Academia lies in its celebration of the pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement. This movement is not just about fashion, but also about a deeper appreciation for the arts, history, and philosophy. It is a way of life that encourages individuals to embrace their curiosity and explore the world around them.

marble interior of chernivtsi university | Dark Academia Aesthetic

3. Classics are always in style - be it literature, clothing or home decor.

At the heart of Dark Academia is a reverence for the classics. This includes literature, art, and music from the ancient world to the present day. Whether it's reading Shakespeare, discussing Plato, or listening to Baroque music, Dark Academia enthusiasts are passionate about immersing themselves in the cultural treasures of the past.

Beautiful dark flowers on dark background | dark academia aesthetic

4. It's introspective of life around you - the curve of a belfry tower or the sound of rain on a roof.

Dark Academia is more than just a trend. It represents a cultural shift towards a more intellectual and introspective way of life. In a world that often values superficiality over substance, Dark Academia offers a refreshing alternative. It encourages individuals to engage with the world in a meaningful way and to cultivate a lifelong love of learning.

HDR St Peter Cathedral in Koeln | Dark Academia Aesthetic

5. It's full of self-care rituals that we love -  cups of tea or coffee, quiet book nooks, candles and great reading material.

What's not to love about the self-care rituals that come with Dark Academia?! Curling up with a good book in your favorite spot with a cup of steaming coffee,  and a literature candle burning. These are all self-care rituals that we have come to love and embrace. The soothing time of being alone and being quiet is a welcome respite in an overwhelming, overstimulating world.

Gorgeous, cozy book nook with soft lighting, candles and blanket | Dark Academia Aesthetic

It's a way of life - not a trend for most Dark Academia enthusiasts.

Dark Academia is a cultural movement that celebrates intellectualism, a love of the classics, and a passion for vintage aesthetics. It is a way of life that encourages individuals to embrace their curiosity and explore the world around them. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone who values the pursuit of knowledge, Dark Academia offers a unique and inspiring way to live your life.

Dark Academia Aesthetic | Architecture and statues

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